


The Pacific Ecological Institute is a pioneer in effective, innovative resource management programs for both public and private sector clients. Our mission is to provide innovative solutions that enhance the efficient use of resources, and thereby foster a sustainable future.

We have extensive experience in many fields critical to a sustainable future including energy efficiency, resource recycling and water quality monitoring. Our experience includes hands-on involvement with actual program implementation as well as policy development based on that experience to effect positive legislative and marketing change.

PEI staff and directors meet regularly to discuss how best to share the experiences of our field programs with community leaders in the business and legislative arenas so that appropriate market and policy changes can be made.

PEI is a nonprofit corporation recognized as a federal 501(c)(3) educational institute, and as a Washington State Public Benefit Corporation. Net revenues from all PEI projects and contracts are used to fund additional programs and develop new services consistent with PEI's mission. PEI has been a leader in resource management since 1982 and is internationally recognized for its educational approach to implementing effective resource management programs.

PEI has a small Board of Directors that oversees programs and budgets in an efficient manner. PEI contracts with employees or specialized service providers to carry out its projects. Current board president is Ted Hunter. Ted is the President and one of the founders of PEI. Ted's long-standing commitment to environmental restoration began on the trails of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains where he's spent many days climbing, hiking and skiing. He is an "Oregon Conservationist" of the likes of former governor Tom McCall, who recognized that environmental protection makes economic sense. Ted's work on environmental policy is directed to demonstrating the economic benefits of sensible environmental protection and restoration. Ted is trained as a lawyer and has an active dispute resolution practice in Seattle.